Enemy of My Enemy

Zani and Xerxes dropped down in the trees a distance from the building the humans stayed in for a base. Zani became part of Xerxes and he ran across the ground. His feet barely touched and he covered distance fast. They couldn't go in from the sky this close to the city or the human base. They would be seen. Xerxes slowed where he'd seen the vampire, or Niki, move into the tree line. He moved looking for any sign of passing as well as scenting the air.

'He is very good. There are no tracks or scent.' Xerxes said and neither could Zani pick up anything as he held onto Xerxes back. He wasn't part of him anymore. His head was over Xerxes' right shoulder, and his tail wrapped around Xerxes' left side.

'I see this. Perhaps we should try magic instead.' Xerxes thought about a few different spells that he could use. Something simple, he had a feeling that this Niki was ready for force or extreme power. Not a subtle questioning.

He spoke a language that wasn't understandable but by a few mages. Xerxes moved his hand in the air, he waited. A moment later a small bird dropped down on a branch and gave a chirp. Xerxes just listened to what the animal had to say. He'd called for any that had witnessed one who was not permitted to see the day.

He thanked the animal with a movement and it took off. Zani looked away from it. His instincts were to take off after it was reined in by Xerxes. If they abused the magic to call the wilds, it would turn on them. They moved deeper into the stand of trees, and the snow was sparse on the ground as it was so dense above them. Xerxes noted a group of boulders and jagged rocks, he just picked a spot and sat.

Zani moved off of him and Xerxes rotated his shoulders for a moment. The puncture wounds from Zani's claws healing.

"You're lucky I like you." He said and Zani's eyes just held amusement. He increased his size and picked a spot laying down and waiting as well. They knew the vampire was here now. So really all they could do was wait while the sun set and not disturb him. Better to not make it look like they were here to attack him.

It was an hour to sunset and they occupied themselves by talking of those they needed to speak to and a game they played with their minds and magic. It was designed to keep you sharp, in case your enemy managed to get into your head. They didn't really worry about such things anymore, but it was still fun.

The sun was below the mountain when there was a bit of movement and neither did anything just watched. The vampire moved coming from a crevasse and walked toward them wearily. He clearly didn't see running as an option and he didn't seem like the running type. He knew who he was and what he could do. This Niki had been aware of them waiting as he emerged facing them.

Xerxes stood and was the same height as the man. He was of Japanese descent, he could tell. He had dark hair and brown eyes that were very dark. His skin was more pale than it should be, but that wasn't unexpected. The fact that he was moving around before the actual sunset was a surprise.

"How did you know I was here?" Niki asked dryly eyeing them both.

"I asked," Xerxes said. "There are more ways to track a person than the senses you have. Besides I already saw that you moved away from the house last night. Do you not trust the humans you work with?" Xerxes asked. No foreplay, just straight to the point.

"Just what are you here for? I don't do many conversations unless if find it important." He said and Xerxes had noted right away that he was holding himself ready for a fight. He thought that Xerxes was going to do away with him.

"I'm here to find out why you are helping the humans. A very large waste of time and talent, just as the one named Kendra helps them. We see the potential here, a being that should not be contained by human nature." Xerxes stated meeting his gaze.

"You've spoken to her alone like this." It wasn't a question, just a statement.

"Yes, and I asked her the same question. I'm still waiting for your answer. I'm deciding who is salvageable and who isn't."

"You tell me first, just what do you hope to accomplish? In the past humans were less but they still managed to take over, how do you expect to change things?" Niki asked. Why fight for a losing side?

"Slow introduction and taking over parts of the world with different species moving into power," Xerxes said nonchalantly. They had been doing this for longer than anyone was aware. Especially the humans.

"Just because we aren't human doesn't mean there is trust." Xerxes just gave a slight smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"No, it doesn't mean that we are buddy, buddy. It just means that right now we are fighting to survive. However, with this movement, we are growing closer, and in the future, we will clash once we have staked a claim in the world. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Very true." Niki seemed to think. "You don't discriminate on who you get rid of you do?"

"I am for survival, I told you this. If one is a threat then they aren't worth keeping around."

"If you don't mind me saying, if you are the last of your kind, why bother? What does your survival mean?" Niki was trying to fret out their motivation.

'It means a great deal to those who gave their lives for us, for others. For the fact that we had things asked of us and we are completing them. Can you say the same thing? Do you even have a reason for living or are you just a drone walking through life? A human toy. Niki's gaze moved to Zani and seemed mildly surprised at the voice.

"You are two separate beings?" He asked.

"Yes, and no," Xerxes said evasively. "You have yet to answer my question." He said and stood looking at him. He sighed.

"For my service to the humans, my family is left alone. Though they are not free, but they are not tested on with the weapons they create against our kind and others. I fight for them, my family gets to live to see another day."

'Family…' Zani started and a thought hit him, 'you are a Celtic vampire'? Zani said a light coming to his eyes.

'I didn't think there were any of you left.'Celtic vampires were a very old race that came from the European area. They were the only known vampire that could breed. All the rest could only turn others, their bodies frozen in time and unable to bare children.

Not the Celtic vampire and no one knew why those from a certain area in Europe could, but they had been around long before Xerxes had ever been alive. It was believed that Celtics had given rise to the rest of the vampire race.

"I didn't think that there were dragons left in the world either." He said looking at them. "I remember hearing stories but never thought to see one. Even with how old I am. Still, I have a family. So I can't help you even if I wanted to. They come first." It was clear the vampire would die for his family. They could respect that.

"You don't want to help them," Xerxes asked just to be clear about the humans holding his family.

"Why would I? Just like you, humans have taken more than they could even know from me. They keep my son and wife from me. I also have a sister that is being held, and has been tested on."

'How old is your son?' Zani asked curiously. There was something in the way that he spoke.

"Seven, he is not a vampire yet. It won't happen until he reaches maturity. The humans are eager to study him and me, but they won't so long as I help them. I will do what it takes to protect them and they know it. Hence why they gave me the offer, they can't hold me like they hold the others. So my family is my leash." Well then, Niki was truly a friend stuck in the enemy's camp. This they could work with.

"If you didn't have them being held against their will, where would your side fall?"

"On my own, I have been betrayed far too many times to ever trust others again." He said.

'Yet you have a wife and child you protect and a sister. You clearly trust them.' His gaze met Zani's the world around them had grown very dark but they could still see just fine. Time was not on their side for what either had to do. Where either had to be.

"They are different." He said a dark tone to his voice. "I won't be manipulated into helping others again. I have enough on my plate you can figure it out on your own."

"This is exactly what we are aiming to change," Xerxes said and he suddenly knew without a doubt that this man could be a very strong and loyal ally if you won his trust. However it was a most impossible thing to give, but if he was free to do what he wanted nothing was going to stand in his way.

'Why haven't you gotten them out?' He sneered at Zani's question. As if Niki had not tried or wanted to.

"I don't have magic to aid me like you. I rarely get to see them and only when I have been starved. Believe me, I would have if I could. Humans are far more ingenious than you give them credit for." His eyes flashed with an odd sheen. Xerxes could tell that he was done talking with them. A proud male that felt the wound of being unable to free his family.

"I can't help you, not that I don't believe in what you are doing. Hopefully, you'll kill them all." Niki said, then moved to leave them. It did not appear they were going to kill him. So he figured he was free to go.

"I will say nothing of this, I will regret having to eventually fight you, but you understand it is family first," Niki told them as he went to leave. Xerxes tipped his head thinking.

'Yes, and you are noble in your choice. I think we could use your help very much in ridding the world of the humans that pursue us. Many countries have groups like this.'

"I have no help to give." Niki reiterated moving away.

"If we brought you your family?" Xerxes said to him and he stopped dead. A rather jerky movement, turning to face them fully. It was impossible to tell what was on his face. It looked like anger or fear, they couldn't tell. No scent came from him at that moment.

"You can't. it isn't that simple." Niki said. Xerxes sounded like it was a walk in the park. Did he even understand what this facility was?

'We beg to differ. Nearly everything burns, and this place you speak of must be dealt with.'

"Even if you could, why would you? You don't know me, you don't owe me anything and if you do need my help you could just keep them as the others do." Xerxes gave a very rude and irritated sound.

"I don't need your family to make you help me. I have done fine without your help before now, just because we aren't human does not mean we can't be kind. A hunter is a hunter, we need what we need to survive. I need help in clearing the world of these groups. If you do not want my offer say so, and then you will be on your own with them still prisoners and you their pet."

"If…" Niki started, then cleared his throat. "Why do you move the others if you don't need them?" He asked.

"Like you said we are it. We don't have children to pass our message to. To send out and shape the world. We only have the ability to push others to do it for us, now do you want our offer or not?"

"I…you… yes, yes I do." He said suddenly his posture still guarded but they both saw that small bit of hope. If they managed this for him they would be gaining a very powerful alley. So they got from him what they needed. They asked him a few questions about this facility and he answered truthfully and to the best of his knowledge. Even sharing mental images.

"Then let's see if we can help each other. Eye for an eye no?" Xerxes asked and Niki just gave a nod. With that, they parted ways, but Niki was not sure he made the right choice. Xerxes and Zani knowing they just pulled another resource from the humans. Soon this group would fall.