Making Time

"You were lucky to get out." Yori said where he sat. Kendra moved to listen to what was being said.

"We know, we were plenty burned and our hearing was damaged with the blast. But we got out, the humans grow more bold." Jasper said.

"I know, but we are moving against them now and it makes them nervous." Kirosho said, Kendra glanced up the stairs where the others were. Niki would make sure Linda didn't stray anywhere. They'd planned this for when Xerxes was gone. Devising the truce during that time and their numbers were low as Xerxes and the group attacked the facility.

It would hopefully keep the humans from doing anything to rash for the short time he was gone. Seeing that in this city they were the lower number and power. They would need Xerxes help if fighting broke out among them.