Real Tattoos

Kitsune turned and put a hand to the window. She really looked like a lost child amazed at the sights of the buildings. Daniel studied her from the corner of his eye. There was obviously something more about her, he couldn't put his finger on what but he could feel it. He also felt watched slightly with her, like just because her attention seemed on the outside world, that didn't mean anything. 

"Do you like it here Daniel?" Kitsune asked turning to look at him with a curious expression on her face.

"The city I can do without, but where else would I go? I do like it here." She looked in his back seat area which was smaller as it was a truck and just extended cab. 

"There are many places you could go. I saw many worlds, all separate and acting as one in the pool. I never knew which one I would be pulled into. But I figured this one, it was where I was born. So it was more likely they would know of my existence and try for me."