More Than an Oracle

Daniel set the blade down and reached feeling the mass that was Gretta's soul. He was stunned when his hand didn't go through the mass but touched it like a solid object. He scooped her up. It was like he held nothing yet could feel it. Daniel didn't realize he was crying until he was kneeling down holding her form above her body. Daniel didn't really know what else to do, but bring her soul back to her.

To everyone else it looked like he was doing an odd mime job, but they were silent. Something was clearly going on that they couldn't see. Ralph turned his head and then looked at Connie making a slight gesture. She looked where he indicated and saw that the wound in Kitsune's forehead was nearly gone and the blood had stopped flowing. They really hoped she woke up and helped them out. That whatever Daniel was doing took long enough. Bought them enough time here.