Just Give Me a Moment

"Dude, get the fuck out of my way." Neil said shoving one of the doctors and moved over to where Daniel was sitting a pair of scrubs on. There were horrible bruises all over his back, and a few lacerations, his head was still feeling like it was going to split and his nose was bleeding.

"You look a wreck." Juan said checking Daniel over and looking at his eyes which were dilated a bit. Showing that he might have a concussion or something of the sort. 

"My head feels like it is going to split in half." Neil reached him and brought his hands up gripping the sides of his head lightly. Daniel just about cried with relief as the pain started to stop. 

       "Thanks, so much."

"Idiots don't even have a healer on staff right now." Neil growled glancing over at Gretta who was doing exceptionally well considering. She said she just felt really tired otherwise there was nothing wrong with her.