What's Hidden Can Always Be Found

'The air feels charged in here.' Night said mentally and it wasn't the positive kind. They came out on the floor where the office area was. Neil was down the hall standing and talking with Meg who was a nymph, Daniel ran past them and Neil let the other two pass before turning to follow and asking what was going on.

Daniel came into the room and jumped up onto one of the desks. The others looked at him like he was being crazy. Though it was more because he leapt to the next desk, kicking things out of his way.

"The chests are here." Daniel said moving along the wall.

"Here, but how? Everyone coming in and out are being watched. The entire place has been scanned by sensitives. It hasn't been that long, the place was still burning." Juan asked and Daniel got down and got back up on the next desk. It felt like his blood was pounding in his ears.

"Kitsune do you remember how you told me about Night and Day, how they were created?"