No Choice in the Matter

"So, feelings? Comments, concerns? Any bad vibes, good vibes? Are we sure we even want to fucking do this?" All of them were standing by the vehicles that they got out of. Then looking into dense jungle that they were about to trek through to get to this chest that was left. Neil was the one that spoke and he was met by silence.

"Great. Seems like we are already then." He grumbled, a near growl to his voice. Ahead of them both Xerxes and Kitsune stood staring into the jungle. They were talking, but they were talking in the language of dragons. Most could not understand them, Daniel could. He realized it back at the place they were staying when the two were talking. Apparently the language of the dragons was an inherited one, which meant that Daniel was indeed changing. Rather far along, which was surprising, he thought he'd have felt more physically. That there would be pain or something, though he was noticing that his senses were all better.