Darkness in a Chest

Kitsune was full on sprinting down the hall. She slid coming to a set of stairs with a blue light. She could smell the others this way. She could hear fighting and see movement ahead. It was rather dark in this temple, but the blue light let them see. She was down the stairs with a jump landing in a crouch and went to run forward toward the room at the end of a hall. She could see fighting in there. It looked like a larger room. As she went to run Night shot by her, Kitsune hit her knees for a moment and Night faltered in her run down the hall.

They felt it, they felt the disconnect of Day sharing Kitsune. His essence was just gone from what they had been used to for so long. Then like something was sewing the two of them together hard and fast. Wings ripped from Kitsune's back and she was now like the earth bound chi. What should have been a moment of elation, was one of concern.