Fall Into Darkness

Kitsune and Daniel went airborne again as they could feel they were closing in on this being of primal darkness. It was truly making a straight line right for the mountain and moving really damn fast. They had to fly for all they were worth and push their muscles nearly past endurance. Ahead a short ways you could see the trees bending in the moonlight. It was strange to see, like something invisible was grabbing them and bending them in either direction and then they would snap back into place.

'There, it's there. See how the trees bend? All life wishes to run from this thing, we must stop it before it has a chance to take hold.' Night said. Since this world was not yet infected by this kind of darkness all were aware of it. It showed with the movement of the trees. 

'It's heading right for the mountain. It clearly knows.'  Zani stated looking forward to the looming mountains.