Upon Waking

Daniel came awake slowly opening his eyes and frowning up at a stone ceiling. He blinked a few times and realized that he was laying on something soft. He first looked to his right and saw Kitsune laying there on her back. He swallowed feeling like his throat was very dry and sticky. He saw the rise and fall of her chest and that she had loose but a warm change of clothes.

He too was wearing something else, and he reached touching Kitsune's arm as she was on the same low simple bed as him. She didn't move but he felt the warmth of her skin and was relieved.

Daniel tried to sit up and winced horribly. He touched his stomach and could feel Day there. He was still very groggy in his own head. Day was not fully awake yet. Daniel felt like gravity had increased substantially since he'd passed out. Though all he was currently feeling was lethargy. He managed to sit up and leaned checking Kitsune again. He heard a slight sound and glanced over meeting Kendra's gaze.