An End and Begining

"I'm straight up not living in a house. What a human thing." Xerxes sneered and stood with his arms crossed staring up at the building that was actually a few homes in one. 

'Looks completely burnable to me.' Zani stated with him. There was a sigh next to him and Kendra gave him a stern look. Daniel had a smile on his face. Kitsune was bouncing a bit next to him looking at the place.

"Xerxes, we can't all live up in a cave. We are going to get noticed now that there are more of us. Besides, the kids need to start learning and integrating into the 'real' world. They are much better at control, so we need to start acting like the rest of the world." Though that did not mean they were leaving the mountain. Absolutely not, but they also couldn't all be up there all the time. Others were going to start to notice. Yes Kendra would admit that she liked it up there rather than down here. However that wasn't how the world worked.