How We Hunt Here

"Well, what does the lab analysis tell us?" Newark asked as he came into the room of eight. They were either sitting at a table with a bunch of papers, or a couple white boards with writing on them. The eight in here looked unhappy and slightly frazzled and so was he. He didn't have answers for his superiors on this cave incident. They still hadn't figured it out and more bodies had been found. Whatever it was the creature was out there.

"Same as the other bodies, but none of them have risen like the first one. The DNA from the saliva on the victims doesn't match any we have on record." This was from Nova, the woman had her hair tied back and looked like she could use a good night's sleep. They had four more killings in the style of the first victims in the forest. They had ruled out a contagion as no virus showed in the blood of any of the victims nor anyone on the site. They had no idea how the first woman woke up and attacked them. If it was a fluke or something.