White Lies

"Draven?" He turned not expecting his name. Who would he know that was here? However his gaze came to a pair of light grey ones. Nova was standing there and looked… really damn nice. He hadn't seen her in anything but the attire she wore to work. Not that she looked bad ever, just very businesslike. She was wearing a dark blue dress that fit her well. Her hair was down with very loose curls, she was damn good looking. He definitely found her physically attractive before, just more so now. Though he pulled that down, Nova was sharp his mind was quick to think. 

"Can't say I was expecting to see you here." Draven said turning from the mirror, and not really the kind of timing he'd like. He really hoped that no one found those two bodies on this side of the building until he was gone. He didn't look like he'd just been in a fight, nor did he have his weapon on him visible. He could call it at will, but he had a feeling her sharp mind might jump to conclusions.