Swirling Emotions

Nova wasn't sure what time it was, but she felt something pressed to her mouth as she half came out of her sleep. It was still dark out, so it couldn't be that long. She resisted for a moment until she smelled what it was, orange juice. Then she drank it greedily. Like she hadn't had anything to drink in days. She could also smell Draven suddenly and this odd shiver went through her. She ignored it, and he gave her more from a different bottle. Which she practically ripped from him, but nearly lost her grip. He helped her with it, and then the room was spinning.

"Sick." That was all she could manage to say, and thought she was going to throw up. She felt his hand come to her chin and he crouched level with her face. She met his green eyes, and the room stopped spinning for a moment and her stomach tightened a bit.