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Conner could see them from where he was. The second Draven bit into her, it sure looked like they both clearly enjoyed it. A bit too much to be honest. He didn't really look at them after a moment because it looked very intimate and made him uncomfortable. He just kept a watch from the corner of his eye, and crouched down next to Carlos. What was he going to do? Run over there and stab Draven? Pretty obvious he was not going down easily, and Conner didn't have the wherewithal right now.

"I'm sorry." Conner said quietly to Carlos and was angry at himself now. This was the kind of thing he didn't want to happen. The kind of thing that always happened to people like him and he should have known better. Conner should have let him go sooner. He should never have said yes to Carlos and he'd be somewhere else. Not here with a creature that could kill with a touch apparently.