Right in the Open

'So are you going to kidnap me or let me go back?' Nova asked as they were walking and idly talking. She mentally spoke to Draven as they were walking and she wasn't exactly sure how they were going to play this out. Since she had the ear mic in they couldn't talk freely at the moment. At least out loud, and she wasn't sure either about his plan of attack. One thing at a time she guessed. 

'I haven't decided. Making this up as I go. I was hoping to attack your facility this evening. Though I was also banking on the real enemy to have noticed and gathered a bit more. I suppose I will need to put on a bit of a show won't I?' Draven mentally told her trying to decide if he just straight up took her somewhere, which would stop her from being able to go back. Or they somehow finessed getting alone, they were being followed. Draven really doubted that he was going to be able to feed from her unnoticed.