All The Help You Can Get

Conner was standing and staring out the window in the room he was in. He was looking out toward the front area of the facility. Just past the front entry gate and the coffee shop that Nova so liked to go too. Though Conner guessed she was going to have to find a new place to feed her addiction. Still Conner stood watching out there, he was noticing small little groups of people that would stop and stare at the building. Then walk down the street a short way and stop again to stare before doing what seemed like another lap.

He knew that those out there were what Draven was calling drones. Infected that were doing their part to spread the darkness. Conner felt like he was seeing the world in a far different manner and it was hard to explain really. Like his eyes were taking in everyone differently, seeing their tells more and noting those eyeless beings out there now. Their facade not hidden from him.