Because I want To

Nova was weaving in and out of the cars ahead of her. However it was getting hard as cars were slowing down around them. She was blaring her horn a few times to get attention and then decided to just chance it and whipped the car over to the side of the road. Nova picked up speed driving on the thin strip of cement and the rumble strip. Carlos looked at her, let out a breath and took off the seatbelt. He slipped into the backseat with the gun. 

"Steady does it, yeah?" Carlos asked her as he put the back window down. 

"Steady does it." Nova repeated glancing in the mirror and could see the other vehicle gaining on them. it was moving to come alongside them. It wasn't a great shot, but Carlos surprised her by leaning out the window and aiming. He was steady and sure, she kept herself the same way. Just willing her steadfast nerves to the man behind her who had never done anything like this before.