Containment Breach

'Rue, do you feel that?' Nexus asked him mentally. He was part of Rue's body at the moment. They had tried the window and nearly broke out the glass but Rue's energy gave out before they were able to make it fully shatter. The window was hard to see through as it was so shattered. Metal frame work was bent, they had tried their best. However the years of being entombed and not getting any kind of proper feeding yet had taken it's toll.

'Which one? The darkness or the positive energy.' Even Rue's mental voice was quiet and soft. Nexus pulled from his body and circled the room tipping his head and standing up the wall a bit. His claws digging in, he kind of oddly walked about the wall with his clawed hands on it and it and his back feet on the floor. His tongue flicked out slowly a few times testing the air.