Expected Response

Davina went out with the two men and they were parked behind the building in a darker spot. She raised an eyebrow. What a couple of sleaze balls. They actually had a van? Wow, she really did not feel bad about what she was going to do. You know what, she might not feel bad about killing them either. It wasn't going to be smart though, no trail right now. Maybe a hospital visit. Davina looked at the taller one that seemed to be the more dominant. 

"Let's see how fun you are." The tall one said, and she noted that the other went on the other side of the van. Sounded like he was going toward the front driver seat to open it. Davina just walked up right to him as he turned by the sliding door there. Before he could open it she came up and had a hold of him. The taller one was just a tiny bit taller than her, but she was strong. He clearly did not expect her aggression.