Allies in Waiting

Nova took in a slow breath and then she let it out. She tried to clear her mind and center it, she was working with Draven to learn more advanced skills. To master how to manipulate one's third eye. She was not going to be able to do all the things he could, but she would be able to do some of the things. It was a gift most Atlanteans possessed and since her change she was developing these gifts.

She stood straight and held her hands lightly up on the sides of Draven's face and head. Her forehead touching his, their third eye meeting. Nova was trying to open more, to learn to  relax and let her barrier down slowly so the world did not rush her. As they stood there she felt Draven's hands move up her sides a bit and then curve slightly behind her back. Nova cracked open her eyes to look at him but his eyes were closed.