Trick Up Your Sleeve

"This is where he will show? You are sure?" Xerxes asked as he stood next to Daniel. For a week straight Daniel kept having a vision about this field and a dark creature that the darkness would send back. He kept hearing voices telling him where to go, it had nearly driven him insane at one point. He and Day had flown about for an entire week searching for just the right spot to shut the damn voices up. Being a sage absolutely sucked in his opinion. Day was not a fan of it either anymore now that he got a taste of it. 

"Yeah, and don't do anything stupid Xerxes. This one is coming from the place that Davina and Mason went. We know they are alive, and we know they are okay. So don't get crazy on me or I'm going to have to sit you out." Xerxes raised an eyebrow at him and looked back at the field.