The Other Twin

Mason was feeling blinded by the bright light that was surrounding him and Kaleer. Then it felt like something yanked his leg and he was being pulled downward. Then again maybe it was upward, or to the side. There was no real true sense of the direction in this place, this chaos that felt oddly comforting. 

Mason started to move faster, started to feel like he was spinning and Kaleer pulled from his body. It felt like an uncontrollable response as Kaleer appeared above him. Mason was indeed spinning and finding it hard to slow himself, plus something was clearly pulling him. He suddenly feared that it was pulling him away from Kaleer.

'Kaleer!' Mason shouted mentally and told himself not to panic. As he spun he saw Kaleer also trying to stop the spin. 

'Grab me.' Kaleer's deep voice came and his tail spun right above Mason who grabbed him and they became one again. The light was growing dimmer and they could make out the bright appendages now.