Something More

Mason felt this odd shier go through him. He was never more aware of Adina as this moment bringing her closer. It was just so sharp, the soft feel of her body as he tightened his arm around her waist to hold her better. Her clean scent, that made him feel like burying his face in her hair and just inhaling it. The urge to just tighten his hold on her and just bask in the feel of her against him was strong.

However, so was his hunger, and it grew even sharper the moment that he lowered his head to her throat. There was a tenseness to her, that was obvious from the fact that he was holding her so tight and so close. Her pulse was quite quick as he brushed his lips over the sensitive spot. Mason curved his fingers into her hair a bit which loosened the tight braid but also gave him a hold on her to tip her head and sink his teeth into her.