How Good It Feels

Mason felt his body jump at the brush of her thumb over the sensitive tip. Okay, hell yes if she wanted to start touching, but he was feeling close to that release. He'd rather have it inside her than in her hand though. Still her gentle touch and stroke was stimulating. 

"Do you," Adina cleared her throat. "I want to do what you did, taste you. Learn to pleasure you like you did me." Adina said letting her thumb brush over the tip and then down slightly to the underside. She felt this smooth kind of moisture come from him, she actually felt really daring then. Wasn't that what he kept saying to be daring? She leaned up and kissed him lightly and he brought one hand up to the back of her head holding her there for a moment.

"I would love nothing more, just hearing you say that…" He made a little sound of approval. Mason reached and got a hold of her wrist to pull her hand away from him.