Just a Little Awkward

"How about we get back to you. How long were you in that tomb?" Portia asked.

"A few thousand years it would seem," Vintas stated. Her jaw nearly dropped.

"A few thousand years! My god, how are you alive and looking so…. Young, so flawlessly handsome without one wrinkle? How old were you when they put you in there?" Portia asked and he frowned slightly.

"I was contained by magic and my people are long lived. I suppose near immortal if we mate and bond with another. Otherwise many Atlanteans simply have very long lives that exceed others. I do not think my appearance of age nor my level of attractiveness is of the main concern," Vintas remarked with a frown. 

Portia felt just a little bit of heat try to creep into her face. That was a little more than she should have said. Normally she was a little better at not blurting things out. Though she did tend to say what was on her mind many times.