What Draws Us Closer

It was nice to get off that train and out into the train station. Though they still had a ways to travel as they were doing this in a rather slow way. Which was good, it would allow Vintas time to recover from waking. Let him digest the information given to him and learn these people. Also a few other things bouncing around his head. Which he walked alongside of Portia but every so often found his gaze shifting just a little to look at her before away.

They stopped at a map that was on display at a kiosk and help desk. He just stood and watched Portia as she read the items and then spoke with the people there. He noticed that she had a great language knowledge. Each country they had passed through in the train she seemed to know how to speak properly with the people. Vintas was again impressed by this female. She spoke to a lot of his thoughts and desires in what a partner should be, what attracted him.