On Borrowed Time

"What are we even looking at?" Ganner asked, peering through the binoculars at a building among other run down ones. They were stopped here with a small group monitoring this church. They had been here for a couple days. Newark had indeed followed this entity all the way here across a good distance and nearly lost it twice. 

"We are looking at what brought the Leviathan here. Have you not been listening, not following briefs? anything to do with what we are chasing or attempting to capture?" Newark said in a dry tone looking at Ganner. There were others here too, all elites, but none of them were possessed. Just brainwashed, they were a recon team checking out what Newark and his had found. 

"What I see is nothing but a blacked out old church. What are we supposed to report on here and do?" Ganner asked him. Newark stared at him for a moment, a very clear disdain in his eyes.