One Foot In Front of The Other

Portia was running the best she could through these woods. The ground was a bit soft from the rain. The two of them were now muddy, but they were going as fast as they could. Portia turned and grabbed Baker, hoisting him up as he went down. He was injured after all. They were also aware that others were now following them too. Portia had a grip on Baker's arm as they ran. 

"Down!" Baker said and shoved her with his good arm. Wood and bark exploded off on the trees as a couple shots rang out. The two of them stumbled and it was not graceful. They were back up however a moment later and then Portia let out a shout right before Baker did. 

They did not see the slope that was there, and both went sliding down it. Luckily neither went into an uncontrollable spin or tumble. They both fell back and were sliding either down on their backside or hip. It was pure mud and sandy here, but the bottom got rocky and they could hear the rush of water.