Doors, Demons and Keys

"This looks Sumerian and the other etchings here are some form of Khalkha language. It's old though. Atlantean is in here too, this is a marvel," Porita said. Her ancient studies and understanding of many languages were very helpful. Vintas was standing there staring at it and let out a rough sigh. 

"As fascinating as this is, it would appear we need to open one side or the other to go where the weapon store is. They were smart here, they have two entrances. It seems that from what you are reading and I have felt and read, one side opens in conjunction with one of my talents and an earth bender," Vintas commented.

"Earth bender?" Flynn asked as Carter put a hand on the metal disc. It was cool to the touch but you could feel this vibration. Wow, this was something, what a strange object dropped in the middle of the woods. It felt random, but the forest itself here was clearly energized too.