Sprint for Safety

'Stop!' Tazani called taking a sharp turn upward into the air. A body arched up nearly coming out of the sand, but at the last second stopped. It was unsure where he went as the sound on the sand was gone. The slower olgoi was halfway down the dune heading back toward the others but started to slow to listen again. 

No one was moving and nearly all the others had made it up the next dune and were at varying distances at the top. The demon was at the bottom of the next dune and Tazani eyed him. With a bit of quick thinking, Tazani knew that they could not let the demon keep following. However, Tazani also knew it would try for one of the others to take them with him. If it was going to die, so was someone else. That meant that Tazani had to be fast and efficient and move at the last second toward the demon to use him as a distraction instead.