Blood Slides

'Your energy is all sort of crazy right now. I like it, want to go practice freefalling? That sounds fun right now,' Tazani said in Carter's head. Carter was in the medical area just helping for the morning while Tuya did chores and such up at the temple. Janti had gone home in the very early morning hours. So he wasn't going to be here for a bit.

It was a little hard to focus and Carter did feel like energy was zipping through him. A lot of energy and clearly that affected Tazani. His normal hyper attitude was more so. Carter had good reason for it in his opinion. 

'If you want to go sky diving be my guest. I need to focus on this. I told Tuya I would meet her here. Both Janti and Lilul won't be here for another few hours. So still need to be responsible,' Carter said