Brewing Storm

"I knew it, you owe me some of those deserts your mom brought you Madri," Klove said smugly. 

'Well, at least he seemed humored about it. I don't have to eat him then,' Tazani said mentally as he was part of Carter at the moment. Carter let out a rush of air. Oops, guess he shouldn't have given that second kiss. He glanced at Tuya who was really red and almost appeared ashamed. 

"Were…. Are you…." Madri seemed like her brain really didn't comprehend that Tuya would be kissing a man like that. Carter felt humor but did not let it out for Tuya's sake. Guess that didn't last long. They were out in the open, and she did kiss him first. She hadn't told him not to and why should he be ashamed? He finally had someone that he could care for and have more with. He really shouldn't have to hide it.