Less Than You Deserve

"She deserved it, just like you deserve chains. All creatures made of magic should answer to one that can control it," Osdin said. He knew he was had, and he wanted all these pathetic creatures to know. 

"I deserve control of this place, it's power. The world out there is ripe for the picking, I'll kill what's in my way. Just like Tuya, just like you," Everyone watching paused. Including Asir with the group of protectors. He did not know that Osdin had planned to kill Tuya. No one knew what to do with the dragon and mage. 

'I couldn't possibly kill you enough times,' Tazani said, and before he could move someone else was there. Carter just appeared coming over Tazani's tail. Tazani was not going to get the sole satisfaction of making this mage pay. Osdin had his back to where Carter was and did not sense him in time before Carter slammed into him.