Meeting Others

When Tuya felt strong enough to finally get up and eat, she was ravenous. Never in her life had she eaten so much food as right then. She was aware that as she was with the light, she made the choice to be a chi but was also part Atlantean. This the light seemed to have manipulated and was why it took her so long to wake. She was not one nor the other but both as her mate needed. 

Still, Tuya felt like a bottomless pit and Lyria was also very hungry and growing rapidly over the past couple of days. When she came out the rush to her of others was a little shocking. Klove and Madri were the first. They both embraced her and clearly feared for her. They had been doing their best to keep the temple going but the barrier felt a bit weaker. They were new at this, and Ayde was still down in the medical area healing.