Satria Rampage

"Which guild are you from, huh?" the guardian asked.

"There's no way an ordinary wizard can withstand my sword technique like that. Tell me, who are you?" asked the swordsman.

"Guilds? I don't belong to any guild. After all, I prefer to fight alone. I don't like being burdened with other people's existence," answered Satria as he walked forward towards the three men in front of him.

"Fighters," said Satria. His body felt cool again, a sign of a change in his job class.

"Too bad because you guys have to face me!" said Satria, immediately stepping forward. Two swordsmen immediately took cover behind the guardian who was holding the shield. Meanwhile, the assassins behind Satria shot forward again. But Satria still went ahead and threw his right fist at the guardian who was holding the shield.



"Heukh.." screamed the guardian while spewing blood from his mouth.

The shield used by the guardian was instantly shattered into pieces and unable to dampen Satria's fist. The armor worn by the guardian was also instantly shattered by Satria's blow. More than that, Satria's punch went straight through the guardian's stomach until he covered it in blood.

"Monsters," said the two swordsmen who looked pale and frightened, their bodies shaking immediately.

"Haa .." shouted Assassins, who immediately plunged his knife into Satria's neck.


The assassin's knife could indeed stab Satria's neck, but only a few millimeters. No blood came out at all. The assassin looked scared. Satria immediately turned around and grabbed the assassin's leg, and slammed him to the ground until he vomited blood. The assassin's bones shattered instantly.

"Impossible.. how could a wizard be that strong," said one swordsman.

"Forgive us… pardon… we surrender," said another swordsman as he knelt, begging for mercy.

"Low level, ugly armor, and ugly weapons without enchantments. All that shows you're from a lousy guild. You are weak NPCs," said Satria while staring intently at the two swordsmen, still trembling with fear.

"NPCs?" muttered one of the swordsmen who didn't seem to understand the term Satria used. This makes Satria even more sure that what he is currently facing is indeed an NPC. If the player is not confused, he might immediately say that he is a player.

"So in this world, NPCs also understand the guild system, huh, or maybe there aren't any other players besides those savages and me in this world right now?" Satria thought, trying to understand what had just happened to him. In the distance, there was an explosion that sent black smoke rising again.

"Tell me what happened there!" snapped Satria while pointing at the sound of the explosion.

"My lord, we were only carrying out the guild master's orders to attack the village," replied the swordsman as he knelt.

"Yes, sir. We're just following the guild master's orders," continued another swordsman.

"I see," said Satria with a grin. It seems that the NPCs in this world have their own thoughts like humans.

"I want to forgive you, but your mistakes are fatal. I don't really like seeing a man molesting a woman like that, so you better be prepared for the consequences!" said Satria.



Satria threw his kick in a circular motion. At that moment, the two sworders' bodies that were hit by his kicks were instantly destroyed, proving how far apart their strength was. After Satria had killed all his opponents, Satria immediately approached the woman's body, who was still unconscious.

"Priest," said Satria.

"Healing: cure wounds!" continued Satria while bringing his right hand above the woman's head. At that moment, a yellow gradation light immediately shone around the woman's body. Slowly all the wounds on his body recovered without a trace.

"This feeling, it feels like they are alive. There is no difference between players and NPCs in today's world," Satria thought as he leaned the woman on his back. He intended to take her to the village that was being attacked.

Satria came back to understand a few things at this time. Usually, both NPCs and players can be seen by their nicknames floating above their heads. But now, there is no such system, his nickname floats above his left hand, but when he holds it with his palm, it always goes through. He don't know what it's used for.

Satria continued to walk towards the rising smoke. After getting close enough to the village, it was clear that the terrible scene was there. Houses were on fire, and many bodies were lying on the ground. People in full armor were seen pacing around the village. Several women seemed to be tied and carried by these people. Satria immediately put the woman's body he was holding under a shady tree.

"Those savages seem well suited to be my guinea pigs. I'll take them as a starter before I enjoy the main course," said Satria, who immediately jumped onto a tree branch. The faces of his classmates immediately flashed in his mind.

"Fighters," said Satria.

From the top of the tree, he saw that many people were wearing full armor in the village square. Some women who were tied up were also seen being brought there. Meanwhile, he could see several villagers running for safety into the forest at the edge of the village, looking the same as the woman he had just rescued did.

Satria just smiled. Happily, he immediately squatted to gather strength in his legs. He stomped his feet in the blink of an eye until the big tree he was standing on shook violently. Satria's body shot up into the air in one leap. As per Satria's calculations, he landed right on the square where the people who attacked the village gathered.


There was a loud crash as Satria's body landed on the ground. The ground around his feet was immediately lifted and scattered, leaving a large hole. The shaking of the earth could be felt by everyone standing in the square, their gazes now on Satria, who suddenly landed in the sky out of nowhere. A man who wears the best armor among the others looks at Satria sharply.

"Who are you?" asked a man with an ax.

"Ten swordsmen, three priests, one cleric, four wizards, five sorcerers, four guardians, five archers, three rangers, ten fighters, four gunners, three druids, one alchemist, one blacksmith, and one beast tamer. There are fifty-five people in total. You can say that they are already a full party because more than ten job classes are gathered," Satria thought, ignoring his opponent's question.

"Looks like he's just an ordinary villager who wants to die here," said a fighter with a laugh. His other friends also laughed while seeing Satria's appearance.

"While the others were running away, he was looking for death," said a swordsman while walking near Satria.

"Maybe he wanted to run away but instead got lost here. Isn't that right, boss?" said a swordsman while looking at the man wearing the finest armor.

"Yeah, he looks like he wants to die," replied the man in the best armor. On his back were two sheathed blades.

"I came here only to give punishment to vile people like you," said Satria without the slightest fear. Everyone there burst out laughing. Only the women who were being held captive didn't laugh too. There was hope in their faces that they could be saved.

"I've had enough of being laughed at like that for over two years!" snapped Satria, who immediately shot and stabbed the nearby swordsman in the stomach with his bare hands.



"Akh.." shouted the swordsman when his stomach was pierced by Satria's right hand. All his colleagues looked surprised to see Satria's movement.

"Attack!" shouted the man in the best armor, giving his orders.


"Ice javelin!"

"Fire spears!"

Three wizards immediately used their magic while three fighters rushed towards Satria, but Satria instead seemed to be smiling happily. Dozens of fire spears shot toward him, but Satria swiftly hit the fire spear with his punches until it shattered, and chunks of ice immediately shot toward Satria. Still, Satria quickly slammed his two fists in front of his chest.


At that moment, the ice chunks approaching him were instantly shattered into pieces lastly there was a massive fireball that came at him, but Satria immediately jumped up and kicked the fireball until it broke. Everyone was surprised because Satria wasn't hurt after hitting the magic with his bare hands.

"Fighter is indeed a job class with a strong immune system apart from a guardian, but it's impossible not to get hurt after being hit by a tier two magic like that," said one of the guardians.

The three fighters that headed towards Satria immediately threw their punches. Still, Satria quickly turned his body to hit the three fighters that attacked him. At that moment, their bodies immediately bounced with the sound of bones shattering, from the mouth of the three of them seemed to be bleeding.

"Fire Punch!"

"Maximum attack!"

"Lightning kick!"


Three fighters charged back. One threw a fiery punch, one struck a lightning kick, and the last one delivered both punches. When the three attacks hit Satria's body, there was a loud bang. Dust immediately scattered from around where Satria was standing. But his body remained motionless without the slightest injury.

"From the damage, you guys are probably only level a dozen. I'll show you the real fighting technique!" said Satria while throwing a punch with his right hand.

"Lightning Punches!" said Satria using one of the job fighter techniques he mastered. A very bright flash of lightning flashed around Satria's right hand.



"Ahh.." the three fighters who attacked Satria immediately screamed when their bodies were stung by the lightning that enveloped Satria's hands. Even though the three of them had managed to dodge, Satria's lightning flashes still hit the three of them. Now their bodies were charred as if on fire.

"Attack together! Show him the punishment for challenging the Rhino Guild!" shouted the man wearing the best armor as he drew the two swords on his back. He is the guild leader that attacked the village, and his name is Gion. Hearing their leader's orders, they immediately moved around Satria to attack him simultaneously.

"Attack using tier four magic!" shouted one of the wizards.


"Burning flames!"

"Icy burst!" heard three wizards immediately use fourth-level magic.

"Lightning slash!"

"Fire slashes!"

"Triple slashes!"

"Water slash!" the four swordsmen directly used their sword techniques from a distance.

"Magic arrows: ice arrows!"

"Magic arrows: fire arrows!"

"Magic arrow: burning rain!" the three archers didn't want to lose and immediately released their arrow techniques.

"Illusion bullets!"

"Lightning shoot!" two gunners immediately fired their weapons techniques.

"Hahaha.. this is.. this is the solo vs. squad that I've been dreaming of all this time!" shouted Satria along with his enemy, who began to use his technique to attack. Satria spread his arms to the side to welcome the enemy's attack.