

This is exactly what I was afraid of. Catarina is losing consciousness.

I open the car noisily and start screaming.


My driver rushes into the hospital grounds to call the doctors.

A few seconds later, the nurses come out with a stretcher that they push mechanically as they come towards us.

-Calm down, Madam. What's wrong with her?

Me (swallowing with difficulty the saliva): uh, she has nothing.... We were in the car and I ...

The nurses put her on the stretcher and drove her to the hospital. I also went after them.

Once inside, the doctor in charge of Yolanda approached us.

-Mrs. Dos Santos, what are you doing here so scared? Yolanda is doing much better.

Me: She is my friend, Yolanda's mother. She fell unconscious in the car when I told her that her daughter was here.

Catarina started to come to.

-Let's see, there was more fear than harm. She is coming to.

A great breath of relief came over me and I took a deep breath. Since I lost my husband, every time I find myself in this kind of situation, I am not in control of myself anymore. I panic completely.

Catarina was brought a glass of water and took a few sips.

Catarina: ... what am I doing here? .... Adriana.... MY DAUGHTER... YOLANDA .... WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?

The Doctor (in a soft, calm and soothing voice): Calm down, ma'am. Yolanda is fine. And she wouldn't like to see you in such a state.

It's amazing how this doctor was able to calm her down. Contrary to me who didn't know how to do anything. At the same time it is normal coming from the doctor since he meets this kind of situation daily.

I think I was very afraid of the reaction that Catarina would have had, so I lost control of the situation. The truth is that Yolanda is Catarina's weak point. No one can explain the love she has for her child.

It is indescribable.

With my mind at ease, I stay with Catarina in the waiting room so that she can fully recover.

Catarina: Why didn't you tell me?

Me: I wanted to avoid this situation. I'm sorry, but I couldn't tell you over the phone, especially since you were traveling in another country.

Her eyes are wet with tears.

Me: Don't cry. The worst has been averted.

Catarina: But, can you imagine (she starts to cry) if she had gone away...and worse while I was on a relaxing trip having fun with a stranger?

Me: Shh! Stop it, the main thing is that Yolanda is fine. And she wouldn't like to see you in such a state.

Catarina: What exactly happened to her? Until now I don't know anything about it.

Me: She took an overdose.

Catarina: I didn't even know she was on drugs.

Me: That's normal, it's not like you were living under the same roof and didn't realize it.

She sits there for a while thinking about it. I know she'll never forgive herself. She seems like a carefree woman, but the truth is that Yolanda is her greatest treasure and she wouldn't let a fly get near her for anything in the world.

Patricia comes to meet us. She immediately hugs Catarina to comfort her.

Patricia: I'm sorry, Catarina. I hope you understood the fact that you were not informed.

Catarina: Yes, I understood, honey. And I wanted to thank you for everything that you and your mother have done.

Patricia: You're welcome. You would have done the same thing if it were me.

I squeeze her hand in an affectionate gesture.

Patricia: Well, Yolanda is doing much better. And I'm sure seeing you will do her a world of good.

Me: Come on, Catarina! Fix your face and go see your daughter.

Catarina takes a few minutes to breathe and gets up to go see Yolanda.

As for Patricia and I, we stand around for a while talking.

Patricia begins her presentation on the evils of drugs. To tell the truth, I don't even listen to her.

My views on the subject remain fixed. I am driven by the sole intention of continuing the work my husband has spent years building. I think in one direction only.

-Mom, Mom!?

Me: Huh? Yes, what were you saying?

Patricia (annoyed): Besides you don't even listen to me. Pfff

She gets angry and gets up to leave.

Me (trying to catch up with her): Wait, Patricia!

She doesn't listen to me at all anymore.

I'm like a deaf mute. I can't take her thoughts into account.

I stand up and look around the hospital. I see her entering the hospital restaurant, certainly to have a bite to eat.

I sigh and sit back down in the waiting room.


I gently push open the door to Yolanda's hospital room.

My little baby smiles at me with all her teeth. I can see how happy she is to have me back.

I give her lots of kisses and apologize. She comforts me as usual by notifying me that I had nothing to do with it and that it was she herself who put herself in such a situation by consuming drugs.

Me: Please don't say that anymore. It's my job to watch over you until my last breath.

She smiles at me for all answer. To tell the truth, Yolanda is the love of my life.

Me: Don't worry. The doctor said that your condition is much improved and you can go home tomorrow night.

Yolanda: I can't wait to get out of this bed.

Me: Careful! You're not going back to that house anymore. You're going to stay with your darling mommy who will pamper and cuddle you.

She pouted.

Yolanda: No, I don't want to come back to your huge house like a kingdom.

Me: But you'll have to. Please honey, at least for a start.

I try to negotiate but I know for a fact that I will never let her walk away from me again.

She nods her head in agreement.


Damn! My driver just dropped me. Under the pretext that he had a family emergency. He knows that this is the kind of thing I don't tolerate. But if he was able to do it, it must be because the situation is unmanageable.

I'm understanding, of course, but I won't take him back. That's the way I work. All my employees know that. Of course he will get his compensation.

I call Peligro to come and get me, but he is also unreachable. I start to lose my mind because when things don't go as I planned, I get very upset.

After several missed calls, he finally picks up. His voice is sunny. Which irritates me more.

He also says he's not available to pick me up. Looks like I'll be driving home alone today.

Suddenly, a name comes to mind: Pablo.

I manage to find his phone number without much trouble.

Me: Hello!

-Hello, to whom am I speaking?

Me: Adriana Dos Santos.

I feel him confused on the other end of the phone.

Me: I need you, in thirty minutes. Meet me at Santa Cruz Hospital.

-Okay, I'll meet you there.

I hang up the phone call.


I am still with Anthony. We were watching a movie when I got the call from Adriana. I didn't even know it was her.

She asked me to meet her in thirty minutes at a certain address.

Anthony has not stopped teasing me since I got the call.

Anthony: You've become her secretary, you know.

I stifle a laugh.

Me: You're overdoing it!

Anthony: I'm not. She's already calling you to meet her at places ....

Me: It must be for work.

Anthony: It's eight o'clock at night. I think it's more like a sex party.

That was the last straw. I burst into a laugh that wouldn't end.

Me: Co....comment.....but where do you get an imagination like that?

Anthony: I think it's pretty clear. She is young, beautiful, sexy, attractive and most importantly she has no husband.

The idea that Anthony exposes revolts me. Sleeping with my mother? I would never be able to get to that level. Despite my plan, which I intend to do everything in my power to achieve, I have my limits. And above all I was raised with values and principles. It's true that I didn't have a father or a mother, but this good sister who wanted me instilled indispensable values in me.

At the same time, I understand Anthony because he doesn't know who Adriana is for me. It's normal that he utters such insanities.

Me: I prefer that we stop this discussion.

Anthony: As you wish. But then you won't say that I didn't warn you, when you'll know his real intentions.

Me: Pff!

He's helping me choose my clothes. I just decided on a pair of light blue jeans and a black jacket. Some perfume and glasses.

Anthony: Brother, you're all set for fashion week now!

His reflection provokes a crazy laugh in me. This guy is obviously a humorist. All these reflections have a touch of humor.

Me: You should consider a career in humor.

Anthony: Oh yeah, you think so?

Me: Sure! ....

I take one last look in the mirror.

Anthony: On the other hand for fashion week, I was serious.

I don't dwell on his relentlessness. We leave my apartment together and he goes to his. He says goodbye to me while wishing me good luck with a suggestive air. I shake my head in all directions.

As I walk down the stairs, I see the admiring looks of the women I meet along the way. The former recruits just ogle me.

I'm used to pleasing women.

I get out and start the car to drive to the address.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived. I park the car and head into the hospital.

I wonder what is going on here and what exactly I will be doing.

I am at the reception desk taking information when I see her. Beautiful as ever, her beautiful blonde hair pulled back. She wears a pretty tight dress which draws her forms.

She passes in front of me and her perfume tickles my nostril.


Me (coming back to me): ....euh, yes sorry...I....

I wasn't even listening to it anymore. I was overwhelmed by the beauty, purity and grace of this work of art..... I had just run into her again .... Patricia Dos Santos.