
Me: Yes, hello? When will you be at the department?

Pablo: I'll be in the landing in a few minutes. I have to pick up my aunt who just arrived.

Me: What? What are you talking about, man?

I start to laugh out loud. Marita who is next to me follows the discussion with an incredulous look.

She whispers: Tell me, what's going on?

Me: Hey, Pablo? Did you take something?

Pablo: Yes, we'll see you later at the gym.

He hangs up. I look at the phone in disbelief. I didn't understand anything that just happened.

Marita: What's going on there?

Me: I don't know. It was very strange. Either he's drunk or it must be for the mission.....

I catch my head in my hands.

Me: The mission! Yes that's right, (I start by lamenting) I hope I didn't make a mistake and get him in trouble.

Marita: No, mistakes are human. You couldn't have known. Stop imagining the worst.

I am not at all reassured. I'm waiting for Pablo to come home and explain the situation to me.