Italics = Korean
So while on the plane I just was listening to music on the phone that I stole from my sister so that I could listen to music. I listen to really any type of music but I didn't know about Korean music until when I was on youtube strolling through. I just clicked on it and the song was pretty catchy to listen to so I just listened to more. Since it was going to be a long flight I also fell asleep during a lot of it because I never really got much sleep because of my old family. I slept so much but was woken up when the pilot said that we were landing soon.
******15hrs later******
"Thank you for flying with us today. I hope you have a great stay in South Korea,``said the pilot. I then got up leaving the plane with my bags and then with my music still playing. When I was walking out the gate I heard lots of screaming that kinda made my anxiety spike up, so I just kept walking but those girls kept getting in the way making it hard for me to get out of the airport. I kept walking the best I could to the exit when I was pushed to the ground. I started to panic because I didn't like loud noises and then I saw someone's hand in front of me.
"I'm sorry, do you need some help?" said the person with their hand out in a language I didn't know, so I just got up and ran away outside. I didn't know where I was going. I just kept running away from everyone until I couldn't run anymore. When I stopped I looked up and said that I was at a church. I saw there were lots of kids playing outside, some even looked around my age. I just walked in seeing some women that I think were the ones in charge so I walked up to them looking scared. They at first gave me a weird look but then noticed that I wasn't from here but took me in. So now I'm an orphan in another country that I don't even know about.