
The day changed, and finally, Prajo as the village head held a worship ceremony with all the people of Wura village. The people of Wura's village are very happy to be able to carry out the ritual with joy. All goods, food, and lights adorn the village of Wura.

Prajo started the opening ceremony with prayer and magic and then began to worship. Amid that busyness suddenly a grenade was thrown from outside.


A huge explosion occurred in the shrine and hit several residents, several residents were injured.

Dobe immediately tried to protect the villagers with his magic by creating a plant root formation to block bullets and magic from entering. Dobe saw that the ones who attacked them were high-class Gezela-educated Magicians, the attackers were very strong and they looked like they weren't human. They wear black robes all over their bodies and even their faces, only their eyes can be seen because their eyes are burning.

Prajo tries to protect his people and fights with his magic, but because the magic brought by the sorceress Gezela carries a murderous aura, it scares all the villagers.

"You pervert! Cursed magic! Your blood will be proof of our obedience to God Zilo" The leader of the wizarding army said loudly.

"You have no manners! Ruin events and hurt people. Don't you have humanity?"

"Our humanity is only for brothers and sisters of our understanding, for those of you who don't understand your blood we may even drink"

Then the wizard leader immediately attacked Prajo with his lightning magic. Prajo also replied with a pounding of the ground. The fighting was very fierce because there were very few magicians in the village of Wura while they were fighting twelve Gezela High-class magicians.

The second explosion was unavoidable due to the collision of Prajo's magic and the Gezela magicians, causing many casualties and injuries.


Suddenly a loud, firm voice came from the door of Gezela village, it turned out to be the voice of King Tano. King Tano struggled to leave his job and come to the Gezela Village because he heard that there was a plan to destroy the worship in Wura village. King Tano came over and saw what happened.

This is not tearing apart, this is a massacre. muttered King Tano. King Tano seemed very angry and his face turned red.

The Gezela magicians stopped their attacks because they couldn't do anything if there was King Tano. King Tano told them to leave immediately.

King Tano looked at Prajo with a sour face. Then King Tano's tears suddenly appeared on his face, he then ordered his aides to help all the damage and victims in the village of Wura and then left because he felt ashamed of Prajo and the people there.

Dobe saw his palms shaking on their own like fright.

Does it taste like this? That newcomer when I asked him the reason he moved? Dobe muttered.

Prajo looks around and feels hurt, his people are not guilty but become victims.

After a few days after the incident. The village felt very quiet and still. Prajo and Dobe were mostly silent. Until one day, Prajo came to Dobe and gave him a letter.

"That's my request as Master, open it when I'm gone"

"What do you mean Master?" Dobe is feeling anxious.

"I will perform my penance worship on Mount Wura for being incompetent as a leader"


"I will plant the seed of love in the earth (plant many trees)"

"B-but what about me?" Dobe felt like crying at the thought of their separation.

Then Prajo looked at Dobe carefully, he understood what Dobe was worried about.

"I have to do that, there are many innocent victims here because I took the wrong step"


"And if indeed you can't afford and need to live without anxiety, it's okay to adapt and change for something we are hard to change" Prajo patted Dobe on the shoulder and smiled.

Prajo immediately left Dobe without bringing anything and he removed his presence so that Dobe could not be found.

Dobe opened the message from Prajo, then he was shocked and cried seeing its contents.

"How can I replace you as Village Chief? Do you feel so special that you are no longer interested in that position? What a reckless teacher!" Dobe muttered.

After some confusion that hit the people of Wura Village because of the disappearance of Prajo. Dobe dared to offer himself to the people of Wura Village to become the Head of Wura Village, and the residents immediately agreed to it.

Dobe spends his days being a good village head and wants to make amends for his mistakes at that time. After growing up, Dobe chose not to marry and adopt a child.

Then after a few years, he saw his teacher again in front of him, this time.

(Today, year 576)

"Master.." Dobe called Prajo.

Prajo also saw Dobe as if he understood his feelings.

"You did your best, I'm proud of you" Prajo patted Dobe's shoulder.

Then Dobe remembered the words from the book of Gezela about the characteristics of the Hyang when he read in the market library.

He is a witch with a physique of steel but gentle like mother Earth,... -Gezela Book

Then he realized Prajo was trying to hide his children's identity, but things got difficult because of Bavi's behavior.

"Master, it's me and my son's fault. The people of Wura village who have been sad for several years must be curious about the Nymph referred to in the novel, because the nymph is a sacred creature in our teachings, the people will try to find out and go to the top of Mount Wura"

"True, it's really hard for me to try to hide her true identity, I even edit for every book she reads"

Prajo sighed. "Maybe I should tell the truth soon"

They were silent for a moment. Then Dobe tried to find a solution.

"Let me just adopt her. Our country is very obedient to Gezela, Gezela soldiers will look for you because they want the Witch Hyang to be killed. You can't be by her side. I also have two adopted children here, no one will suspect that I adopt another child.

Prajo looked at Dobe with a serious expression."That's the reason I'm here, take good care of her. I'll hand her over to you slowly while telling him who she is" Prajo sighed "I already treat her like my own children".


A clear night, stars perched on the night wall, twinkling twinkling lights as if they were talking about the world with their gestures. Shuu looked down at the seductive star in the window and his thoughts were broken when she received a tap on her shoulder.


Shuu didn't budge.

"Shuu" her father called softly.

"What are you thinking about?" Ask Prajo again.

"Dad" Shuu kept her focus on her gaze on the stars.

"How is the outside world?" Shuu asked representing everything in her head as she looked out the window.


"I like living in this house. The house is like above the clouds with a view of the river flowing below it as well as our trees and fields. Even at night, the moon is always able to shine on them so we can see them from up here". Suddenly Shuu's voice stopped and only the sound of her heartbeat could be heard.

"I'm bored Dad, I've read the spellbook from Dad, I want more books. I also want a friend to share with"

Prajo tries to listen to her.

"Maybe there" Shuu pointed at the cluster of lights that was the settlement of the villagers. "I can get it"

Prajo looked at her with a loving gaze.

"Shuu, you know that there is a danger that threatens you. You really shouldn't go to that residential area."

"Dad, Dad said that the collection of light is a collection of fireflies that are very large because there are stars that fall there. I don't understand because the day is not clear and there are too many trees. Now I know that the light is a village settlement" Shuu was disappointed.

"If you're looking for a friend, isn't Poppy your friend?"

Shuu was silent and immediately looked at her favorite horse, Poppy. Poppy had been with Shuu since childhood. She didn't even remember when. Her father said that Poppy was born the day after Shuu. Shuu spent her childhood playing with Poppy, even while she was riding, reading, and practicing swordsmanship and sorcery from her father. Poppy will always be there.

Shuu was silent choosing not to answer. All this time Shuu knew her father loved her very much and was firm about something. Until now, Shuu didn't know what kind of danger she was in when she came out, her father always said she would tell her later.

"You can go to Wura village" Prajo held Shuu's hand.

Shuu looks happy and blooming."Really? Thank you, Dad. Thank you"

"But you have to remember this is Shuu, what you're wearing is..." Prajo held Shuu's shirt. "No matter what happens, don't let you change your dress model until you are 14 years old"

"Why Daddy?"

"Promise to Daddy, whatever happens"

Shuu was confused at Prajo's statement. Then she suddenly thought about traditional clothes. Then nodded in agreement. "Okay dad I'll follow"

They smiled at each other.

At night the house was crowded. The moon and stars that appeared brightened the sky, as well as the closeness and warmth of the family in the house, able to warm the atmosphere on the cold mountain.