It was now a fortnight since I began living with the children; even after our little bonding story that night, Alan seemed to dislike me more, he pretended like he wasn't so interested in the story.
But it was better, he didn't snap at me too much and he ate whatever meal I prepared, as long as there was a promise of fish in the nearest future. Maya clung to me all the time and only let me out of her sight whenever she was asleep. When the boys would go outside to play, she would choose to stay close to me and watch what I do, as if she's a guard to make sure I don't escape.
How could I? I wouldn't loudly admit it but I felt happier and lighter living with the children in that town where no one knew who I was. Back at Durnca, everyone knew me as the daughter of the drunk or Gwen with the gun who was always harassed by boys at night, but here, I was a little far from the town and I had a home and children to care for.