Chapter 18: A Real Couple

To my surprise, Julien was in no hurry to leave; he took up the task of caring for the horses and swinging his sword every morning. And oh what a sight! Even in the cold, he was shirtless whenever he swung his sword, the sight of his bare chest still made my knees weak that I was always staring, forgetting myself. Ann caught me once and she wouldn't stop laughing at my embarrassment.

Other than caring for the horses and practising with his sword, he stayed close to me, hearing me chatter about my childhood and the mischievous things Hailey did. He didn't offer to talk about himself and I didn't press him, I was content to let him know all about me.

He even took me to the fair, just us, no children. I had a great time, looking around, playing silly games. What's more, I enjoyed the attention everyone was giving Julien and I. I was sure it was mostly Julien and I felt even prouder to be next to him. We looked like a real couple... A real happy couple.