Chapter 22: Confessions

Hailey came by early as she had promised to say goodbye to us. I couldn't tell how but Julien already had Eric bring his carriage over as pa wasn't strong enough to ride. I really didn't want to leave Hailey again, but we couldn't be little girls forever.

I begged her to continue feeding my animals while I'm gone and she agreed, then we hugged before I entered the carriage with pa and Julien.

We took the shortcut again and there were no bandits. When we got back to Rashord, it was late and the children were already sleeping in Ann house, all except Arthur.

Ann sat with him on the porch and as soon as he saw the carriage, he was already running towards it even before I could come down.

"You came back!" He shrieked, jumping around until I came down and accepted his tight hug.

"Of course I came back. Why did you keep your Aunt awake? That's not nice." I said as I carried him in my arms.