Chapter 34: Party Crasher

I stayed in bed for the rest of the night. When the doctor came to examine me, she only spoke to Julien, so I couldn't tell why I felt more nauseous than feverish; and Julien wouldn't tell me anything.

The fever was gone by morning, though I was still throwing up, but Julien didn't let me out of bed. When I asked him if I had a disease? He just shrugged and said: "something of the sort", and that was all I got. No one even bothered to check up on me.

I was fed up and was ready to bust out of the room when Hailey suddenly opened the door, looking worried.

"Hailey? What is wrong? Did something happen?" I was right in front of her, searching her face for a clue. Why was she back? Did something bad happen with her lover? Or did Penny send her away?

"I'm sorry Gwen, but Arthur is gone." Gone?!

"What do you mean? G-Gone where?"

"No one knows, we've been searching for him all night!" My heart sank.