Misty dark forest

Botan walked into the tent, which was presumed to be the largest tent of all on that campground.

The other officials were there too, they all stood around the large table and were looking at a map with many green markings, which shows that it was the map of the forest.

One of the officials sighted Botan, he left the table and nudged close to him. When he was close enough, he saw the stressed look on Botan's face and wondered how the disaster pierced into him.


“I thought commander Bu Chen is here?” Botan asked, he turned, and at that point, he saw the map on the table. He walked up to it, looking and murmuring something under his breath. “I need to see Bu Chen”.

It seemed like he made a wish, commander Bu Chen appeared at the doorway of the tent, and Aoi, master Jin were behind him.