“Alert Bu Chen immediately!“

The whole grounds got agitated, and everyone became unsettled about what the fifth intel was. As the messenger ran across the operation shed, many tried to stop him.

“What does the fifth intel says?“

“Sorry can't tell, got to rush.“

Mumbles began to rise and Botan walked right into it. “Should we be troubled?“

The soldiers hesitated a bit before answering. “NO!“.

Botan nodded and tried to remain calm but his thoughts couldn't be calm.

A single tremble quivered beneath his feet. He perceived a faint growl in the distance. The trees hovering above him began to sway intensively while the tall grass grazing his ankles stirred in an unruly pattern. Then came the silence, the loathsome, deadly silence that could only mean one thing— destruction.

Everything started shaking. Things were flying everywhere. It was an EARTHQUAKE!— and something was propelling it, a large, slimy animal— just like a worm.