89 Sneaking into the palace

At this time, Shi Tian came to the sick girl's side and took out a low-rank healing pill. The girl was a mortal without any cultivation, so he decided to feed her the lowest-rank spirit healing pill first. Her mortal body might not be able to handle the high-grade healing pills.

Under the hopeful gaze of all the children, Shi Tian finally fed the pill to the girl. However, as she was unconscious, she couldn't swallow the pill, and Shi Tian had no choice but to help her digest it with his spirit qi.

As the medicinal energy entered her body, it slowly spread throughout her body. A few minutes passed, and the children watched nervously, praying for the sick girl.

At that moment, the sick girl coughed dryly. The children exclaimed, "Sister!" as they surrounded her bed and looked at her worriedly. They saw her breathing had stabilized, but she didn't show signs of awakening. However, the paleness of her face faded, and a light rosy glow returned to her face.