Wednesdays aren't so bad. I kind of like them.

But I was struggling with this particular one for some reason.

School starts at eight o'clock, but I was struggling to come out of bed by 7:15 am. I'm just lucky school isn't so far off from my home.

I succeeded anyway, and I stood to go get ready. By 7:30, I was done taking a bath and putting on my clothes. I went down for breakfast.

"Good morning Mom", I put my arm around her shoulder. I liked doing that, because I was way taller than her, and I never failed to remind her.

"How was your night Rayna? And let me be, isn't it nice that you're taller than me? I've told you before, I have no resentments against you for that", she rolled her eyes.

I laughed and saw her smile.

That's how I always want her, smiling, but sadly, Dad isn't letting her have that. The thought made me unhappy whenever I remembered it. My mother deserves all the happiness in the world.

Mom took out a milk carton from the fridge and set it on the counter. She handed me the box of cereal as well.

I rushed my breakfast and I hurried out. Kamila attended a different school from Dylan and me, and it's farther, so she'd already gone, Dylan dropped her off.

"Bye Mom!", I called out over my shoulder.

" Have a nice day", she responded.

"You too."

I shut the door behind me.


"Why are you entering my class after me Miss Peters?", the Math teacher spat at me.

I dislike this man so much.

Mr. Neil Camarillo, my math teacher. I wouldn't have disliked him this much, or at all, but for some unspoken reason, he hates me. He hates everything about me. I've always had a little issue with numbers since I was little. I got perfect scores in other subjects normally, but when I once got a perfect score in Math, I went mad with excitement. Sadly, that was the last time I ever got a perfect score in Math, and at this rate, if I get half the total marks, I will be crying in hysterics for joy.

"Is there a bug on my face? Why are you staring at me then? Answer me!"

"I'm sorry", I apologized. I had no strength for this this morning.

"What for?"

"Entering the class after you si--"

The door pushed me forward and my books fell out of my hand

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Mr. Neil! I was helping an old lady cross the road", went Emily, her cheeks were red from the running she just did.

"That's not a problem dear, go have a seat", he smiled at her.

I'd give anything to slap that fake smile off his face right now.

"And you, Rayna, will be staying behind to clean this class up. Have your seat as well", he turned back to the board.

"Wh-- Alright sir", I bit back an angry retort.

I think he caught a whiff of what I wanted to say. He turned to face me.

"I'm glad that you kept shut dear", he spoke, closing in on me. I threw my face away. His breath smelled of fish and beer.

So early in the morning?

I made my way to my seat at the back, beside the window, then I tripped and fell on my face, accompanied by the sound of a crack.

Yes, my glasses broke.

And yes, I use glasses.

I looked up to see Mr. Neil smile a bit. I saw his leg still stuck out in a position that was intended to trip someone up.

"I'm sorry dear. Are you okay?", he asked, putting out a hand. I stared hard at him, fighting off the urge to cry.

I was angry.

I took his hand, and just before I stood up, he whispered into my ear ;

"You're an idiot."

I picked up my stuff and went to my seat.

Our little scene took up ten minutes of the lesson's time, and we just gave forty nine students an eyeful.

While we're on the subject of eyes, I began to examine my glasses. I kept staring at them, not believing that they were broken. I loved this frame. Getting another pair would cost a pretty penny. My tears began to blur my vision, but I didn't let them drop. Never. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction...

The class ended twenty minutes later. I cleaned the class as Mr. Neil wanted. When I finished arranging the tables and chairs, I couldn't be faster in leaving. I heard someone calling out my name when I was in the hallway, but I ignored whoever it was. I rushed to the girls' restroom. I needed to let it all out. Luckily, I was free the next period, so I had a good forty minutes to myself, and I was going to make good use of it, crying.

I found my way, despite my teary eyes. I entered, and no sooner than I found a stall and entered did I start crying. I should have checked though because someone was in that stall. Luckily for me, not just anyone, Isabella.

"Hey! Someone's-- Oh my, Rayna! What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?", she asked, her big blue eyes searching for the answers all over me.

I threw myself on Isa and continued crying.

"I try so hard Isa, I try, what's wrong with everyone? What's wrong with Mr. Neil? I was only a minute late. Someone five minutes later than I was didn't get a scolding, get tripped up, or clean the class. What's his problem? I trying so hard to keep up my Math grades, and the teacher is being such a thorn in the neck. How do you want me to love the subject and make better Math scores? I'm so--- Arghh!!", I said in a rush. I hope she caught it all because I won't be able to repeat myself.

"It's not worth all these tears Ray. You're supposed to be the one saying this, not me. You of all people should know that. Why not try getting someone good at the subject to explain the topics to you after each class? That could help", she soothed.

I'd tried that, but it didn't work out well. So I told her that.

"Maybe you got the wrong person. Have you asked Kyle? I know you're friends. He'd surely help out", she smiled.

I froze for a second, then I immediately responded ;

"Ugh, I've asked him before, but he's got a busy schedule, and uhh..yeah..", I lied.

"Are you sure?", she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... Look, that's not even it. I'm tired of the way Mr. Neil treats me. I'm tired of it", I changed the subject, crying again.

"You're strong Rayna, I know that. Hang in there alright? Doing anything will only attract trouble to yourself from the school. Just avoid him everywhere you go, and always do his homework. If he has you by 10:00 am, be there by 9:55 am. Just avoid him and anything that would make him find an issue with you, okay?", she hugged me.

I dried my eyes.

"Okay", I sniffed.

"Let's go", she held my hand.

"Sorry for interrupting... What were you even doing here?", I asked.

Well, I didn't meet her using the toilet.

"I came to call my aunt, needed to ask her something", she replied laughing gently.

"Oh, alright."

I went to wash my face at the sink. I dried it up with my handkerchief.

"Oh, and he broke my glasses when he tripped me", I told her when I reached into my pocket intending to take out my glasses and wear them but brought out a pair of ruined specs.

"Oh no, that's..brutal", she commented, surprised.

"Exactly what I'm tired of."

"Let's go ahead, we'll figure this out", she held my hand and we walked out of the restroom. We still had five minutes of the free period, and we had the same class next, so we went there.

I'm glad we have Mrs. Rowland next.

Yeah, my amazing literature teacher.

In the next sixty seconds, she walked in.

"Oh, good morning girls! I'm not used to you both entering before me", she looked a bit surprised, but smiled anyway.

"Good morning Mrs. Rowland", Isa greeted, since I was still not in a pleasant mood. Mrs. Rowland noticed it.

"Anything the matter Elaine?", she asked concerned.

I love the way she uses my middle name to address me. Just her though.

"She'll be fine, she just had a rough morning, that's all", Isa said on my behalf.

"Why don't you guys be my assistants for today's class? I'm quite sure you've read the book", she wiggled her eyebrows at us.

I looked at her because all this while I'd been staring out the window.

Yeah, I love window seats.

"Really?", I asked with a little enthusiasm.

" I'm only halfway into the book, but Rayna's read it all", Isa smiled, shaking her head.

"You know she's a faster reader."

"That's true anyway. Thank you Mrs. Rowland!", I gushed.

"What do I have to do?"

"Come over, I'll put you through."

The bell went and the room started filling up. I waited for Mrs. Rowland to make a move. She did pretty soon.

"Good morning class!", she directed to them.

"Good morning Mrs. Rowland", the inhabitants of the chorused. Forty-two of them.

"I remember telling you all to begin reading our next book of study; The Shadows Lurking In The Hallway by Matthew Johnson. We'll start from today to examine the book, and I have here, Rayna Peters, to assist me in today's journey", she looked over at me and smiled. I returned her smile, feeling better.

This, people, is what a teacher should be like.

Nothing like Mr. Neil Camarillo.

"Come on up Rayna", she endeared.

I came to stand beside her. Like what she asked me to do, I began a quick summary of the book;

"The Shadows Lurking In The Hallway by Matthew Johnson is a book worth reading. It's a book with a combination of full-blown fantasy, love, family life.. but the overriding imagery of this novel is a mystery, in all the senses....."

The school was over already. I went to drop my books at my locker. I was much better already. Mrs. Rowland helped a lot. She made me do something I love, and that cheered me up. I smiled at the memory.

I walked up to Chris and Isa. Their lockers were a few ones away and they were there, putting away their books as well.

"Let's go on. Where's Ash?", I asked.

"He had somewhere to be. Family dinner or something like that", he replied to me.

"On a weekday?", I chuckled, a little surprised.

He shrugged.

"Maeve?", I directed to Isa.

"I don't know, don't you?", she looked surprised.

"If I did, I would not have asked you", I rolled my eyes.

But that hurt a little. I wanted to know where she was all the time too. I always let her know everything, but she keeps to herself, despite our amazing circle of friends. It irritates me at times, but I'm putting up with it. It's not like she's never been there for me or doesn't love me. I know she does.

"Shall we?", I linked our arms together, Chris at my left, Isa at my right.

And like that, we headed out of the school, though we bumped into a few people because of the space we were taking up in the corridor, and I wasn't ready to let any one of them go.

I got home.

When I got closer to the door, I heard shouting. Really angry shouting.

Wouldn't be the first time, but okay.

It was my father, as usual, but I did not expect to see what I did when I opened the door. I could feel the vibrations that came with something making contact with the wall, as well as the noises.

Well, ladies and gents, my father was hitting Dylan's head against the wall.


He didn't care about the blood that was already becoming visible on the part of the wall which his head repeatedly made contact with.

I screamed.