59. The Sudden Spark Of Ember




" " Speech,

' ' Thoughts,



Once the fierce retaliation started, the number of nature beasts dwindled slowly in the border area but there are several more in the other areas so it's a long way to go for clearing the coastal area.

Non-naturalists with the help of firearms and RPGs are having a very easy time slaughtering the low-level nature beasts.

Just like martial artists, the nature beasts are also decided into several stages, from 1-Star to 9-Star. 1-Star being the weakest and 9-Star being the strongest.

The low levelled ones from 1-Star to 3-Star can be handled using the RPGs but above that level are very hard to damage their skin.

As not only their skin or outer shell becomes harder, the higher the level they achieve but also from the 4-Star stage, they can use the Dust energy to form natural skin cover which gives them another form of defence.