76. Willow And Message From The Goddess




" " Speech,

' ' Thoughts,



"So what did you want to tell me that you called me out!" Erick asked Aashi not to mind her sniffing him like a pervert.

"Hehehe! Now that I recharge my masternim energy, let's get to business!" Aashi laughed and hid her drooling expression looking at her master's tantalising neck and feeling of hard muscles, she let go of his neck then took him and sat down on the chairs on the open terrace.

Erick also sat beside her and enjoyed the cool breeze coming from the nearby not-so-artificial hill.

"Master, It's not me who wanted to talk to you but her. Willow, you can say what you want, Master is here!" Aashi said out loud to someone specific to hear.

Then suddenly a gust of wind came from the hill beside the house and with leaves circling it, made a tiny fairy-like foggy appearance.

"Master!" The childish voice came from the foggy fairy like a greeting to Erick.